Established as a mortise and tenon company, dedicated to the new media e-commerce industry, empowering enterprises with products and new media e-commerce.
2022 年可以被看作是 AIGC 元年。这是因为在这一年,AIGC 相关技术取得了一系列突破性的进展并且受到广泛关注。例如,DALL - E 2 等先进的图像生成模型发布,让人们看到了人工智能在内容生成方面的巨大潜力; 还有 ChatGPT 等语言模型的出现也掀起了一股热潮,推动了自然语言处理等相关技术在内容生成场景中的应用,使得 AIGC 从技术探索阶段逐步走向大规模应用探索阶段。
In March 2023, the domain name will be changed to, ALL IN AI. Started participating in the internal testing of AI projects from well-known domestic and foreign companies and developing AIGC applications. The test content includes OPENAI, META, ERNIE Bot, Baidu Huibaoxing, etc.
In May 2024, mortise and tenon joint established a strategic cooperation with Shandong News Building.
On July 5, 2024, at the WAIC World Artificial Intelligence Conference, we had the opportunity to share the challenges and opportunities of deploying local AI applications for enterprises in the future.
On July 15, 2024, mortise and tenon joint established cooperation with UST (Hong Kong) Shanghai Pusai.
On July 24, 2024, mortise and tenon joint launched the MORTEN series of AI local deployment products in Shandong Province, which has attracted widespread attention.
德国人工智能研究中心(DFKI)是德国顶级的人工智能研究机构,也是世界上最大的非营利人工智能研究机构,其股东包括 Google、Intel、 微软、宝马、SAP、Airbus 在内的全球前十的顶级科技企业。On August 6, 2024, doctors from the German Institute of Artificial Intelligence (DFKI) entered the mortise tenon team. Attempt to collaborate on a project with DFKI.
On July 24, 2024, mortise and tenon joint launched the MORTEN series of AI local deployment products in Shandong Province, which has attracted widespread attention.
11月16日,2024 AI创新者大会暨PEC·提示工程峰会在北京顺利召开。本次大会由中国人工智能产业发展联盟、中国科技产业化促进会指导,由PEC China、至顶科技、软积木主办,以及数百家知名机构、社区、媒体支持协办。 大会汇聚了国内外知名专家学者、领军人物、行业专家,以“一句提示词,一个新世界(one word, one world)”为主题,深入探讨了生成式AI带来的这一创新周期下,AI模型新进展、AI应用新场景、提示工程新进展,吸引了上千名AI创新者到场参会,大会线上围观人数突破50万人。 齐鲁AI大模型生态联盟凭借大模型实训平台在技术协作、产业协同、人才培养、标准制定等多个维度的突出表现和优异成绩,成功入选“2024年度AI赋能教育创新榜单TOP10”。该榜单充分肯定了齐鲁AI大模型生态联盟在层层深化AI应用技术的共享和合作、推动大模型的实际应用和发展等方面发挥了示范和引领作用。 齐鲁AI大模型生态联盟是一个由AI技术创造者、开发者和应用者组成的开放式学习型组织,致力于AI技术在各领域创新应用,推动技术与产业的深度融合,实现资源共享与互利合作,让更多的人因AI而强大。未来,齐鲁AI大模型生态联盟将以此次获评殊荣为契机,继续发挥AI大模型的优势,促进AI资源与产业资源的深度融合,共同研究行业产业的新标准、新技术、新产品、新服务、新模式和典型应用场景,为AI赋能千行百业探索新路径、新模式。